MongoDB 除了基本的查询,还有强大的聚合工具:
元数据> db.user.find(){ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0df99fbc6d47cbcdb55fd0"), "name" : "jack", "age" : 19 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0df9abbc6d47cbcdb55fd1"), "name" : "rose", "age" : 20 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0df9b0bc6d47cbcdb55fd2"), "name" : "jack", "age" : 18 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0df9c3bc6d47cbcdb55fd3"), "name" : "tony", "age" : 21 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0df9cdbc6d47cbcdb55fd4"), "name" : "adam", "age" : 18 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0e0824bc6d47cbcdb55fd5"), "age" : 2, "name" : 1 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0e0826bc6d47cbcdb55fd6"), "age" : 2, "name" : 2 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0e0828bc6d47cbcdb55fd7"), "age" : 2, "name" : 3 }{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0f3476478f8e67a82bc840"), "name" : "jack", "age" : 19 }
> db.runCommand({distinct:"user","key":"age"}){ "values" : [ 2, 18, 19, 20, 21 ], "ok" : 1 }
元数据{"day":"2010/10/03","time":"10/3/2010 03:57:01 GMT-400","price":4.23}{"day":"2010/10/04","time":"10/4/2010 11:45:01 GMT-400","price":4.27}{"day":"2010/10/05","time":"10/5/2010 05:43:01 GMT-400","price":4.11}{"day":"2010/10/06","time":"10/6/2010 06:56:01 GMT-400","price":4.01}
> db.runCommand({... "group": {... "ns": "stocks",... "key": "day",... "inital": {... "time": 0... },... "$reduce": function(doc, prev) {... if (doc.time > prev.time) {... prev.price = doc.price;... prev.time = doc.time;... }... }... }... }){ "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "initial has to be an object", "code" : 2, "codeName" : "BadValue"}
“ns”: “stocks” 指定进行分组的集合
“key”: “day”, 指定文档分组一句的键,这里就是”day”,所有”day”值相同的w文档被划分到了一组,
“inital”: { “time”: 0 } 每一组reduce函数调用的初始时间,会作为初始文档,传递给后续过程,每一个组员的所有成员都是用这个累加器,所以改变会保留住.
“$reduce”: function(doc, prev)每个文档都对应一次这个调用。系统会传递两个参数:当前文档和累加器文档(本组当前的结果)。本例中,想让reduce函数比较当前文档的时间和累加器的时间。如果当前文档的时间更近,则将累加器的日期和价格替换成当前文档的值。别忘了,每一组都有一个独立的累加器,所以不必担心不同的日斯使用同一个累加器。
> db.runCommand({... "group": {... "ns": "stocks",... "key": "day",... "inital": {... "time": 0... },... "$reduce": function(doc, prev) {... if (doc.time > prev.time) {... prev.price = doc.price;... prev.time = doc.time;... }... },... "condition":{"day":{$gt:"2010/09/30"}}...... }... })
aggregate 提供的是类似SQL(结构化查询语言)的聚合操作,例如每个操作符都可以找到对应的sql关键字
MySQL | MongoDB |
WHERE | $match |
GROUP BY | $group |
HAVING | $match |
SELECT | $project |
ORDERY BY | $sort |
LIMIT | $limit |
SUM | $sum |
COUNT() | sum |
SortByCount | |
join | $lookup |
sql语句 与对应的聚合函数
Python 脚本导入数据
from pymongo import MongoClientfrom random import randintimport datetimeclient = MongoClient()db = client.get_database('taobao')order = db.order_infostatus = ['A', 'B', 'C']cust_id = ['A123', 'B123', 'C123']price = [500, 250, 200, 300]sku = ['mmm', 'nnn']for i in range(1, 100): items = [] items_count = randint(2, 6) for n in range(items_count): # sku 库存量 qty 数量 items.append({"sku": sku[randint(0, 1)], "qty": randint(1, 10), "price": randint(0, 5)}) new = { "status": status[randint(0, 2)], "cust_id": cust_id[randint(0, 2)], "price": price[randint(0, 3)], "ord_date": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), "items": items } print(new) order.insert_one(new) print(i)print(order.estimated_document_count())
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c0f1bc52a3cde1260163371"), "status" : "B", "cust_id" : "C123", "price" : 300, "ord_date" : ISODate("2018-12-11T02:07:01.598Z"), "items" : [ { "sku" : "nnn", "qty" : 2, "price" : 5 }, { "sku" : "mmm", "qty" : 1, "price" : 4 } ]}
查询每个cust_id 的所有price总和MapReduce
> #定义 map函数> var mapFunction1 = function() {... emit(this.cust_id, this.price);... };> #定义reduce函数> var reduceFunction1 = function(keyCustId, valuesPrices) {... return Array.sum(valuesPrices);... };> #执行mapreduce,输出到当前db的map_reduce_example集合中> db.order_info.mapReduce(... mapFunction1,... reduceFunction1,... { out: "map_reduce_example" }... ){ "result" : "map_reduce_example", "timeMillis" : 284, "counts" : { "input" : 99, "emit" : 99, "reduce" : 3, "output" : 3 }, "ok" : 1}
> db.map_reduce_example.find(){ "_id" : "A123", "value" : 8350 }{ "_id" : "B123", "value" : 9150 }{ "_id" : "C123", "value" : 12800 }>
> db.order_info.aggregate({ $group: { _id: "$cust_id", total: { $sum: "$price" }}}){ "_id" : "A123", "total" : 8350 }{ "_id" : "B123", "total" : 9150 }{ "_id" : "C123", "total" : 12800 }>
计算所有items 的平均库存 Mapreduce
# map函数> var mapFunction2 = function() {... for (var idx = 0; idx < this.items.length; idx++) {... var key = this.items[idx].sku;... var value = {... count: 1,... qty: this.items[idx].qty... };... emit(key, value);... }... };> #reduce函数> var reduceFunction2 = function(keySKU, countObjVals) {... reducedVal = { count: 0, qty: 0 };...... for (var idx = 0; idx < countObjVals.length; idx++) {... reducedVal.count += countObjVals[idx].count;... reducedVal.qty += countObjVals[idx].qty;... }...... return reducedVal;... };#finalize函数> var finalizeFunction2 = function (key, reducedVal) {...... reducedVal.avg = reducedVal.qty/reducedVal.count;...... return reducedVal;...... };># 执行mapreduce> db.order_info.mapReduce( mapFunction2,... reduceFunction2,... {... out: { merge: "map_reduce_example" },... finalize: finalizeFunction2... }... ){ "result" : "map_reduce_example", "timeMillis" : 121, "counts" : { "input" : 99, "emit" : 406, "reduce" : 2, "output" : 5 }, "ok" : 1}
> db.map_reduce_example.find(){ "_id" : "A123", "value" : 8350 }{ "_id" : "B123", "value" : 9150 }{ "_id" : "C123", "value" : 12800 }{ "_id" : "mmm", "value" : { "count" : 211, "qty" : 1135, "avg" : 5.37914691943128 } }{ "_id" : "nnn", "value" : { "count" : 195, "qty" : 1016, "avg" : 5.21025641025641 } }
聚合管道操作命令实现,计算其所有items 的平均库存,要求输出结果包含count和qty;
> db.order_info.aggregate({$unwind:"$items"},{$group:{_id:"$items.sku",count:{$sum:1},totallyqty:{"$sum":"$items.qty"},avgsku:{"$avg":"$items.qty"}}}){ "_id" : "nnn", "count" : 195, "totallyqty" : 1016, "avgsku" : 5.21025641025641 }{ "_id" : "mmm", "count" : 211, "totallyqty" : 1135, "avgsku" : 5.37914691943128 }
用聚合管道操作命令实现:根据cust_id,仓库编号进行分组,计算其所有items 的平均库存;
> db.order_info.aggregate({$unwind:"$items"},{$group:{_id:{cust_id:'$cust_id',skunn:'$items.sku'},avgsku:{"$avg":"$items.qty"}}}){ "_id" : { "cust_id" : "B123", "skunn" : "mmm" }, "avgsku" : 5.283783783783784 }{ "_id" : { "cust_id" : "B123", "skunn" : "nnn" }, "avgsku" : 5.121212121212121 }{ "_id" : { "cust_id" : "C123", "skunn" : "nnn" }, "avgsku" : 5.216216216216216 }{ "_id" : { "cust_id" : "A123", "skunn" : "nnn" }, "avgsku" : 5.3090909090909095 }{ "_id" : { "cust_id" : "A123", "skunn" : "mmm" }, "avgsku" : 5.508196721311475 }{ "_id" : { "cust_id" : "C123", "skunn" : "mmm" }, "avgsku" : 5.368421052631579 }